Friday 4 July 2014

The Mental Health Stigma...

Hey Everyone!

So I posted a video on my YouTube channel about a week ago outlining my strong believes about the stigma that surrounds mental health. This has been something that has bothered me for quite some time so I decided that I had to stand up and voice my opinion.

Struggling with my mental health was a huge part of my elementary, high school, and even university experience. I don't know if this sounds hypocritical or not after what I have to say, but for the time being I only feel comfortable publicly discussing my social anxiety. Maybe I'll open up in the future about the full story, I don't know. But for the time being it just doesn't seem to be a necessity.

I've made my mental health a major priority in my life. That's probably why you (if you know me in person, or only know me by my blog and/or YouTube videos) are probably scratching your head and thinking that I have my shit together.

Let me say this now - I have my shit together because it has taken a lot of work and dedication. Some people are health nuts and make sure they get their cardio in, some people are dedicated to tanning to keep a healthy glow, some people get regularly manicures to keep their hands looking pretty. Me? I focus on making sure I'm okay. Does that make me selfish? Maybe, but I don't care. The cold hard truth is that at the end of the day no one is looking out for you 24/7 from the day you're born to the day you die except yourself.

I'm an ambitious and driven individual. You might not believe me because I'm 24 years old and it seems like everyone my age will spew out fun adjectives like those just to get a damn job and pay off their student loans - but I seriously mean it. No obstacle, no shot to my confidence, and no set back will keep me from getting to where I need to go. 

I'm  on a great journey full of success and happiness, and I have social anxiety. So, as I stated in my video, it really upsets me with people are ignorant and believe that individuals suffering from their mental health are incapable of being successful.

I don't let my social anxiety hold me back. It didn't keep me from doing public speaking challenges as a kid, it didn't keep me from going on exchange to Switzerland by myself at the ripe age of 15, and it certainly didn't keep me from the other 'accomplishments that I have achieved. 

So if you are suffering from some form of mental health then I just want to say that you need to stay strong and never give up. We go to the doctor when we have strep throat, we go to emerg when we break our arm, why would you not do the same if you're suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other mental health diagnosis? 

I have so much more to say in my video so please click here to check it out and help reduce the stigma around mental health.

I hope you're all having a fab day, stay strong, and don't forget to put a bow on!


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